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God Will Fulfill His Purpose for You [free lock screen]

by Krystal Whitten April 30, 2017 1 Comment

God Will Fulfill His Purpose for You [free lock screen]

“The Lord will accomplish what concerns me. Your lovingkindness, oh Lord, is everlasting. Don't forsake the work of your hands.” Psalm 138:8

This was my life verse in high school and college. Back then I found so much comfort in knowing that God was working in my life through all the teenage angst and unknowns. The same holds true today, in my mid-30s. This verse is still a comfort to my heart. Now I can read this verse and draw so much more depth from it.

Here's what you need to know - and don't skip past the end, which is the most important part!

The Favor of the Lord

What happens to you is purposed for you just as much as that which doesn't happen. 

That means you take the good and the bad and recognize there's a purpose behind it. You can be confident in God’s work concerning your life. If you can see your circumstances through the lens of God’s lovingkindness, you’ll be just as grateful for what he doesn't allow you to experience as what he does allow.

You can trust your God's hand, even when you feel disappointed. 

You do have to say "Yes, Lord" and follow where he leads. 

Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying you can sit on the couch with a spoon and a tub of cookie dough and become a best-selling author because you think God's going to accomplish it regardless.

But if you're a Christian living for the Lord, you have His favor upon you. So you can go confidently into unknown situations and know God's got your back. 

"May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us-- yes, establish the work of our hands." Psalm 90:17

Don't stop, Lord!

You know what else stands out to me in this verse? David (the psalmist) is not only confident about God's favor, he's quick to ask for more. He first utters a praise – "Your lovingkindness, oh Lord, is everlasting" – and then he follows it up with a prayer – "Don't forsake the work of your hands." 

When things are going well, that's typically when human nature kicks in and we tell God, “Thanks! I can take it from here.” David did the opposite.

He praises the Lord for His love that knows no time or bounds and then he prays, "Don't stop! Keep doing it, Lord!"

He’s asking the Father, "Continue to equip me. Continue to go before me and have favor on my life. Continue the work! Don't let me stay here!" That part is important - there are times in life where God gives us things we don't ask for. But the Bible is also clear there are times we don't receive because we don't ask.

You do not have because you do not ask God. James 4:2 (NIV)

Now, there's a strong tendency to think scriptures like this are all about us. Our plans. Our life. But the knowledge of God is what truly gives you peace and self-identity, so I want to draw your attention to 7 things you can learn about GOD from this verse:

Here are 7 things this verse tells us about God:

  1. God has a plan for your life.
  2. He’s ordained things that concern you and things that don't.
  3. God will accomplish those things - not you.
  4. That He will accomplish them is certain. You don't need to worry.
  5. He loves you with an everlasting love.
  6. He won't give up on you.
  7. You need to invite Him to continue His work. - It's in the asking that you will recognize His faithfulness.

    Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name be the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness. Psalm 115:1

    I've created this lock screen for you to enjoy on your mobile! Instantly download the image and be reminded all day that God will accomplish what concerns you!

    Krystal Whitten
    Krystal Whitten


    1 Response

    Susan Hager
    Susan Hager

    May 01, 2017

    I follow you on instagram, and today I read your blog about Psalm 138:8(I didn’t know you had a blog). Thank you for sharing the Lord’s lovingkindess through scripture . Peace in Christ , believing he is our everything.

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